
时间:2024-04-02 00:08:52



春天的英语作文 篇1

Clouds is the sky walk scenery, spray is walking river scenery, the wind is the air, is fragrant flowers the scenery of the scenery walk walk... As far as the eye can see, walking, scenery everywhere.

From our school gate, to meet the spring breeze walking east you'll see the earth like a blanket covered with a layer of green, the winding path into the distance, the roadsides and colorful flowers and all kinds of animals. In front is no one don't know in our village "ancient yanghe river have many tall and straight poplar, like soldiers on guard. On the Banks of the river see static like water

A mirror, and the green like a flawless jade. There is a stone bridge south of the river seven caves under the bridge there are people rowing. The scenery is so beautiful!

Would you like to see? Then you will quickly northern han village! I welcome you, I love my hometown spring field!





春天的英语作文 篇2


Step on the spring breeze all the way, laugh all the way, watch the peach blossom and willow green, walk all over the green mountains and waters.


Go find spring. To find the spring in the lively Woyang Avenue. Willow girl just woke up and was arranging her messy hair; grass finally escaped the cold winter and looked at the colorful world from the ground; peach blossom was deeply attracted by the scenery and smiled brilliantly.


Go and enjoy spring. Enjoy spring in the countryside. Countless jasmine flowers are in full bloom, how brilliant they are. Looking from afar, it is like a golden ocean, dazzling, beautiful and spectacular! The little swallow has played in the south. Hearing this scene, they moved north one after another. On the branches and under the eaves, they built nests and made music for this flower sea.


Go to find spring. In nature, grass grows, trees sprout, flowers bloom, ice melts and birds contend. These are spring.


Into the spring! Breathing fresh air, looking up at the blue sky, enjoying the gorgeous flowers, and feeling the touch of spring wind, this is absolutely a kind of enjoyment, an unparalleled enjoyment.


Spring light, how could it be so full, so romantic, he put the spiritual power contained in a winter

春天的英语作文 篇3

Oh! Spring is coming.

Look! All the things are reviving. The world is colorful. The trees and grass are green. Flowers are beautiful. Some are red. Some are yellow. Some are purple. The birds are flying in the blue sky. The bees are singing. They are very busy. They are making honey. The butterflies are dancing in the garden. The children are playing games.

I like spring.

春天的英语作文 篇4

Suddenly, winter winter, the weather began to gradually pick up, the climate became wetter, giving a moist warm feeling. Spring has come back at last, and its arrival gives nature a new sight. Everywhere is full of vitality, full of vitality.

In the spring, it is the season of flying kites. I'm going to fly a kite with a couple of guys today. We were excited and shouting and shouting, running and jumping, happy like a happy little bird, and the playground suddenly became lively. When you see people running and putting lines on the other side, the colorful kites slowly rise, rise and rise, and show different forms in the blue sky. Some like the large aircraft, flying in the sky; some like goldfish, free to travel in the blue sea; some like butterflies, dancing in the pear; some like the eagle, in the blue sky fluttering strong wings and fly to the distant ahead & … … ah, the blue sky a riot of colours, like a kaleidoscope, like a beautiful paradise.

After the burst of spring rain, a clump of green grass stretches. A small blue flower, small white flowers and small red … … like a shy little girl. The willow wobble the newly grown twigs. The peach trees open the pink smiling face to greet the beautiful spring. Spring after a winter sleeping trees are covered with green gauze, green shoots and out of the branches, with the new desire and vision for the future, in the breeze!

Ah! The spring, like a picture, paper, the pen, painted with a vigorous color, the green belt in the wilderness, mountains; the brilliant colors, with flowers, the blue; covered on the sea, the waters of the lake with the light green.

I love spring, like a traveler, wandering the Quartet, sowing the seeds of spring spring, the spread of news, wake a hibernating animal, over the river ice and the morning, warm feeling, the earth melted snow.

春天的英语作文 篇5

When the first thunder rumbling ringing in the ears, when the first spring rain xixilili floats to the hair, when the first array when spring breeze touched the small face, winter grandpa quietly away, the spring girl walked with light footsteps came to our side.

Ah! Tano Mami in the spring! In the boundless rape, a large yellow greet our eyes. In the sun, a golden glow, like a sea between yellow and green, is like a blanket. The farmer's uncle in the field is sowing hard. At this time, although a lot of sweat, but the thought of the autumn harvest, the face is filled with a smile.

Ah! The park in spring is really beautiful. The grass out head, tender, green. The willow out of bud, like green braid, like a green ribbon, blooming flowers fall over each other charming smile, red Sihuo, white as snow, Huang Sheng Jin, powder Ru Xia, is really beautiful!

Ah! In spring, you give your life and hope to the earth. I love you, spring!

春天的英语作文 篇6


Spring is coming, the weather is getting warmer, buds are growing on the trees, and people's clothes are getting thinner and thinner.

走出家门,可以看见,树上抽出了嫩芽,柳树上也抽出了新的柳条,小草也变成了浅绿色。偶尔能看见几朵小花,有黄的、绿的、红的,真是好看极了。有时候也能看见小鸟在树上唱歌或者在天空 中自由自在的飞翔。

Out of the door, you can see that the tree out of the buds, willow out of the new wicker, grass has become light green. Occasionally I can see a few small flowers. They are yellow, green and red. They are really beautiful. Sometimes you can see birds singing in trees or flying freely in the sky.


Ah! What a change in spring!

春天的英语作文 篇7

Spring is the first season of a year, There are there months in spring : Morch , April and May , The weather is warm and windy. It rains a lot. The trees turn green and all the flowers are coming ont. In spring, I can wear my shirts. I often plant trees and go hiking . So I like spring very much. Of course, I like the Spring Festival, too.


春天的英语作文 篇8

Ah! Spring is coming! I like spring best. The spring grass drilled the ground, looking at the novelty of willow in the swinging waist, dancing in the wind; winter jasmine has also had a small horn. How beautiful the scenery is, it is really intoxicated!

And the climate in spring is very good, not cold and not, very comfortable.

Ah! The alarm clock in spring was ringing, and the little animals heard and stretched out and drilled out of the quilt. The birds are back, too. Soon, the mountains and fields, on the trail of … … everywhere birds contend, colorful butterflies, flowers flourish, birds singing, animal jubilation, just like a big family, I also want to become a member of them, and together they sing and dance culture.

Wow! The grass is green, like a big carpet. I rushed out and stepped on softly and softly. I lay on the grass and rolled a few. It was so comfortable. Why? How can there be some dry grass on it? Oh It turned out to be the withered grass in last winter. This is the first time I have a close interaction with the grass.

I looked up and looked at the sky. The sky was really colorful. There were kites everywhere, and I was dazzled. There is a butterfly flying the highest, for the time being. The dragonfly is not convinced, and flies higher than the butterfly. As if to say well, “ hum, what, I do not fly high! ” the butterfly angrily said: “ I fly high and how, don't be complacent! ” in this dispute, the butterfly won. Well, it's good to watch them play. I don't say much. I go home with a kite, bye!

Spring is really beautiful! The spring of the motherland is a colorful picture.

