
时间:2024-03-28 23:20:53



英语作文 篇1



起初,我们还装模做样地拿着英语书看,后来就原形毕露了。两个男生开始打打闹闹,后排两个女生竟然拿着小说在看,还有玩手机的。这时,有几个人上了讲台拿着粉笔开始在黑板上乱写乱画,WYX提议道:“马上就是教师节了,我们给老师画个教师节的黑板报,给她来个惊喜吧!”正愁没事干呢,我们几个女生冲了上去。可是我们没找到多少彩色粉笔,只好凑和了。我们画了小草小花和白云,中间用英文写着“Today is September ninth ,Happy Teacher's day !”





英语作文 篇2

My brother, I like my brother very much.


Once, when my brother and I went to a friend's house to play, my brother started to hit me as soon as we got to a friend's house. I ran home to find my father and said to my father, "brother is going to hit me." then my father found out that my brother is back. My brother asked me where I went. My father said I don't know. My brother went to me again and went out to play as soon as he found me.


How happy it is today!


英语作文 篇3

Once,I talked to the foreign people,he was staring at me all the time, which made me feel not comfortable,so I chose to avoid his eyes and kept a little distance from him.

When I talked about this problem to my foreign teacher,she told me that it was natural for them to look at you during communication,which meant respect.While in China,people do the opposite thing.They try to avoid eye-contact,because it is not eased to look at each other.

The different culture sometimes creates distance.The foreigners always feel strange when they look at Chinese people’s eyes and every time when they want to come closer to hear more clearly,Chinese people will walk away.So the more we learn about the culture,the more we know about the world.

英语作文 篇4

With a fascination with magic forcenturies, there is a heated debate about the disclosure of magic people thirst for the revelation of the magic secrets so that they mayobtain some of the know-how and perform some magic on their own. They believethat the trend of revealing magic secrets is irresistible. But I don’t see eyeto eye with them and I insist that the secrets behind the magic should not bedisclosed.


I have two reasons to supportmy view. In the first place, the audience is fascinated with the magic becausethey like the feeling of being kept in suspense. If the secrets behind themagic are known to them, they would fell that the magic is nothing but a pettytrick and the magicians are ridiculous clowns rather than demigods. In thesecond place, magic requiring laborious hours and considerable money are whatthe magicians live on, so revealing the magic secrets will result in a detriment to the interest of the magicians. The magicians couldnot perform the magic that happen to be known to the audience and therefore,they have less chance to earn money.


To sum up, the secrets behind magic shouldnot be revealed with both of the audience and the magicians taken into account.


英语作文 篇5

With the development of the society, the competition in finding jobs for graduates is also increasing. When college students graduate from school, a part of them choose to continue further study to avoid the stress from job market. However, there are also parts of people abandon grad school. They choose to face the difficulty directly. In my opinion, these people make a good choice.


First of all, college graduate students are not sure worse than graduate students. Although postgraduates receive higher education than graduates that they may know more knowledge, they can’t compare with graduates’ three years’ working experience. We all know that knowledge and working experience are both important to employers. And some enterprises have special preference for experience. Therefore, I think the behavior that graduates abandon grad school is another preparation for their career.


Secondly, competition will not disappear forever. As the world is in the changing trends, the competition has many chances to increase day by day. In other words, it is possible that the competition after three years will much fiercer than now. Nobody can make sure that the postgraduates will have less stress in finding jobs. So, why not wasting three years?


According to the opinions above, I think abandon grad school is a wise choice. Sometime we can’t avoid the things will happen one day, and we need to face it directly.


